What Can I Eat During Dental Implant Recovery?
Dental implants are the gold standard for replacing missing teeth. While bridges and dentures look and feel great, replacing the root of your new tooth with a titanium implant gives your smile a solid base for your new perfect smile.
Once in place, your dental implant will start to fuse with your jawbone. This process lets you bite confidently. After getting a dental implant, you won’t have to worry about whether or not you can chew your next meal— you can enjoy all your favourite meals without a second thought.
However, achieving these fantastic results can take several months. Implants are placed in stages, and you may find it hard to eat at certain parts of your treatment journey. So, what can you eat during the recovery process?
This guide will help you prepare for your dental implant recovery and suggest the types of food you can eat at the different stages after treatment.
How Do Dental Implants Work?
Dental implants are titanium posts that are bedded into your jaw. Once in position, we’ll complete the restoration with a custom-made crown. Your new tooth is designed to act and look just like a real one.
What Can You Eat After Dental Implant Surgery?
In the not-too-distant future, you’ll be able to enjoy eating whatever you want. Chewy foods like steaks and chops won’t pose a problem. Crunchy vegetables can also come back on the menu.
Before you get to this stage, you’ll need to make a few diet revisions while you recover. Here are a few suggestions.
From the Day Of Your Dental Implant Surgery
For the first couple of days after your implant placement, you should avoid eating anything too warm. If possible, it’s best to stick to a liquid diet. Smoothies, cold soups, milkshakes, juices, yoghurts, and ice cream are all easy to eat during this phase.
Just because you can’t chew anything solid, you shouldn’t skip mealtimes. You’ll need as much energy as possible for recovery.
To aid your recovery, it’s vital that you stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water. Don’t use straws when drinking anything during this stage of your recovery, as it may put pressure on your implant.
Don’t smoke, vape, or drink alcohol immediately after implant placement and avoid spicy or sticky foods.
From Two or Three Days After Treatment
After two or three days, you can reintroduce soft foods into your diet. Over the next ten days to two weeks, you can enjoy pasta, eggs, cheese, ground beef, mashed potatoes, and omelettes.
During this phase of your recovery, avoid anything crunchy or too chewy
Two Weeks After Your Procedure
After around two weeks, you can start to eat food that requires more biting or chewing. This includes crunchy vegetables and whole pieces of meat.
At this stage, your jaw may have lost some of its strength. While you get used to eating a broader diet again, you may find it easier to chew your food on the opposite side of your mouth.
While going through the recovery process might feel challenging, it’s worth the effort. Dental implants are life-changing. As well as enjoying improved confidence while eating, you can laugh, speak, and smile, knowing that your teeth are firmly in place.
Dental Implants at Canon House
At Canon House, we’re here to help you at every stage of the dental implant journey. Our team can advise you on what you can expect from the procedure, recovery, and the future of your smile.
Get in touch today and schedule your dental implant consultation.
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